Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ready for the May flowers after all of these April showers!

Seriously. I am done with rain. I am done with mist. I am done with fog. Can we get to the part where it's spring?

Two more weeks of school then I will be one of the many college graduates holding a useless degree. It's sad that there are only a few degrees where you can make a good living without going through more schooling. I'm ready to fly through the second bachelor's and start working.

We're supposed to be moving in about a month, but Barry hasn't submitted the paperwork for housing because he hasn't gotten the revised orders yet from the CG. I am a planner by nature so the fact that we have a month and don't even have a place lined up is starting to freak me out a bit- even if it is only 45 minutes away.

On a lighter note, Easter was great at the Gehly's as always. I ate may too much food...as always. Diet starts when we move :)

Can't wait for the nicer weather (and for school to end) since these have been the top two reasons I haven't been working out, or going outside AT ALL for that matter. Ready to be healthy again.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The beginning....

Might as well start off from the beginning! Barry and I met at a party of a mutual Coast Guard friend. I have to admit, he started off on the wrong foot by arriving at the party with someone who thought it would be absolutely hilarious to pretend they were the police (of course, everyone there was totally of legal drinking age including myself). Later on that night we started chatting and eventually exchanged numbers. It was two weeks before I was moving to Texas to go to college. A few days later he texted me (loser) and we went out- mini golfing and Sam Diego's. For the next few weeks we hung out a bunch, but soon it was time for me to go. We promised to stay in touch. And stayed in touch we did, because less than a month later he was flying down to Texas to visit. We had a lot of fun in Texas that September, as well as the next March when he came down again during Spring Break. I only stayed in Texas for a year before transferring home to go to school closer to home [and closer to him :) ]

Three weeks ago we got married and had the wedding of both our dreams. We couldn't be happier.

Now we're counting down the days until we begin our newest adventure as a married couple. Since Barry is in the USCG, we get to move at least every four years. It's definitely not a lifestyle I had imagined for myself, but now that I'm here I cannot wait to see what the future brings. I know we will have such good (and some bad) experiences moving across the country, and I know we will end up in some pretty crappy places, but we know it is always temporary. From Woods Hole, MA we will be making the extraordinary journey to faraway Newport, RI (ha.) It has its pros and its cons but most importantly we're in it together and are looking forward to experiencing it together.